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A quick overview

This name comes from Pepillo's imagination it was a dream then came truly responsible causer: Teresa (baby) and Constacion (Costalito) All this started 40 years ago when they know each other blablablablabla...... and made a "beautiful family" of 3 kids now 3 grandsons the middle son its Brayan (El Patron) the little one Gemma (Chiquita Bebe)"La Patrona" and me writing this History and a little more.
  We want to say thank you to everyone for this new opportunity mainly to Teresa Santillan, M.Magdalena Sanchez, Valentina Vega, Andres Ramirez, Guillermo Ortega, Jesus Alvarado, J. Contancio Ramirez JR. y a todos los tios  parientes y conocidos than Lives in Sky City and our hearths thanks for blessing us. (SOMETIMES WE HAVE A BAD DAY BUT LET'S BE HAPPY SIMPLE AFTER EAT AND WE WISH YOU FEEL BETTER) Love Peace GOD Bless you  
Oldest Son Trinidad (Pepillo the black sheep of  the family) I want to be like my parents

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